Support Beekeeping

How you can help beekeeping in the Lincolnshire Wolds...


Support us in helping the bees...

Sponsor an Apiary

You can sponsor an apiary site, this is a great opportunity for corporates to get involved in beekeeping.

white and brown floral boxes on brown wooden fence
white and brown floral boxes on brown wooden fence
Sponsor a Hive

Bee hive sponsorship is ideal for both individuals who perhaps do not have the time to keep bees themselves but also offers a good opportunity for businesses too.

Wild areas are perfect for pollinators and by sponsoring an area of wild flower you can help to overturn the decline in pollinators.

Sponsor a Wild Growth Area
woman holding honey comb
woman holding honey comb
red poppy flowers
red poppy flowers

Offer Land for Bees in Lincolnshire

Bees need land, if you are a landowner you may be able to help...


Farmland, especially in the Lincolnshire Wolds is a great place for bees. With various crops available to them, bees can increase a farmers yield significantly.

man holding beetroots during daytime
man holding beetroots during daytime
Small Holdings

If you have a small holding with an area free from livestock, this could be a useful place for bees to be kept.

Those lucky people with large gardens can offer homes to bees too. If you have a large plot, a colony of bees could be very at home on your land.

person watering plant
person watering plant
brown brick house near green trees during daytime
brown brick house near green trees during daytime